Welcome to Intersectional Acts

We help diverse individuals and organizations solve challenges related to harassment and discrimination by utilizing action research and equity centered solutions and supports, resulting in improved experiences and greater organizational trust and success.

Centering & Serving Those on the Margins

Intersectional Acts serves diverse individuals and organizations who are seeking support and solutions to harassment and discrimination.

  • Individuals: Our services focus on increasing support for people, particularly those with multiple marginalized identities, in workplaces and educational settings affected by intersecting forms of discrimination and sexual misconduct.

  • Schools, Hospitals, Non-Profit Organizations, and For-Profit Businesses: We contract with the organizations where individuals learn and work to help create inclusive, culturally-responsive, trauma-informed workplaces. Together we enhance their support systems and foster safer and more empowering environments for their students and employees.

  • Those Supporting Victims of Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct: We provide training, coaching, and tools to supportive allies, including survivor advocates, Title IX Coordinators, HR Professionals, supervisors and managers, and others supporting those affected by discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and violence.

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Community Participatory Action Research

Learn more about our model

Intersectional Acts focuses on strengthening supports for diverse communities while identifying and reporting out on evidence-based transformative practices through a community participatory action research model. This allows us to bring the voices and experiences in the margins front and center while keeping individuals safe and anonymous and generating data, evidence, and tools to strengthen organizational approaches to combating discrimination and sexual misconduct.

“Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation. By each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.”

— bell hooks