• Intersectional Acts research & auditing services uncover and address the active problems and barriers faced by your diverse talent, ensuring tangible, positive impacts on organizational members' lived experiences.

Evidence Informed Services

Evidence Informed Services

Intersectional Acts helps elevate the voices in the margins while prioritizing the safety and anonymity of your diverse community through our research services.

Our Approach

  • User-Experience Research: We specialize in process and user journey mapping, procedure auditing, and extensive reporting with SMART actionable recommendations. This approach ensures that your organization sees significant impacts in trust, culture, productivity, and retention in the shortest time possible.

  • Participatory Action Research (PAR): We empower communities within your organization to lead and innovate for lasting change. By involving diverse voices directly in the research process, we ensure that organizational changes directly address pain points and barriers your diverse communities experience.

Why Choose Us?

  • Intersectional Impact: Our user-experience research identifies intersectional acts that make significant equity-based impacts, ensuring authenticity and confidentiality for participants.

  • Trauma-Informed Practices: With expertise in advocacy services for survivors of violence, our research and training activities are trauma-informed, prioritizing safety and well-being.

  • Confidential Support: Participants disclosing experiences of harassment and discrimination can access relevant information, services, and resources through our confidential pathways.

Ready to see measurable positive change in your organization's trust, culture, productivity, and retention? Partner with Intersectional Acts and make it a reality.